This program is very useful in managing the development of products and projects. It is very scalable and can work on Microsoft SQL Server or SQLite. It also contains high security so you can grant users rights to certain parts of the application and deny them rights to other parts of the application. This program was written for developmental and engineering companies that want to maintain their products.
Listed below are several features of this program.
Manage Product Errors
Use this part of the program to manage the life cycle of product errors sometimes known as bugs. You can make sure that errors are fixed correctly and documented correctly. Then the testers and programmers can communicate in regards to the error. Also you can manage the cost of the error based on the labor that was put in through the time clock punch ins.
Manage Projects
Use this part of the program to manage projects. It’s most vital feature is that it answers the question that many bosses of developers ask, which is, “When will you be done?” You create tasks and assign them labor parts that have been pre saved so it’s quick and easy to make tasks and figure out how much time it will take to complete them. It also tracks the cost of each project so that you can know how much to charge each user to buy the product it is creating.
Manage Testing Outlines
This program feature allows you to make sure a newly created feature doesn’t have any errors or bugs. Many times developers well create a part of the application and forget to make sure all of the features work. This allows programmers to design unit tests and quality assurance testers can make sure the program is functioning as it should.
Manage Users
This feature of the program allows you to manage users and give them access to certain parts of the program and deny them access to other parts of the program. You can also track the billability of each user to make sure they are remaining profitable. Another feature is the User Tracker feature which allows you to manage users in real time to make sure they’re not punched out for too long of a time or punched in for too long of a time on a project or error.
Advanced Find/Charts
This feature of the program is very handy in that it allows you to search for any table in the program database to get information. You can create charts based on Advanced Finds to get counts of those Advanced Finds to track whatever you wanna track. With Advanced Find you can create custom reports to get the information you’re looking for.
Are you interested in this program? Feel free to e-mail me at or call/text me any time at (986) – 236 – 0913 (Mountain Time USA). My charge is $100 a year for this program (That’s less than $10 a month!) with a free 90-day trial period and unlimited technical support.