RingSoft.DataEntryControls.Engine.Annotations Namespace
RingSoft.DataEntryControls.WPF Namespace

MeansImplicitUseAttribute Class

Can be applied to attributes, type parameters, and parameters of a type assignable from Type . When applied to an attribute, the decorated attribute behaves the same as UsedImplicitlyAttribute. When applied to a type parameter or to a parameter of type Type, indicates that the corresponding type is used implicitly.

Namespace:  RingSoft.DataEntryControls.Engine.Annotations
Assembly:  RingSoft.DataEntryControls.Engine (in RingSoft.DataEntryControls.Engine.dll)


public sealed class MeansImplicitUseAttribute : Attribute
<AttributeUsageAttribute> _
Public NotInheritable Class MeansImplicitUseAttribute _
	Inherits Attribute
public ref class MeansImplicitUseAttribute sealed : public Attribute

Inheritance Hierarchy
