RingSoft.DbLookup Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

ListWindowViewModel Methods

The ListWindowViewModel type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ChangeOrderByType
Changes the type of the order by.
Public method GetInitData
Gets the initialize data.
Public method GetNextPage
Gets the next page.
Public method GetPreviousPage
Gets the previous page.
Public method GoEnd
Goes the end.
Public method GoHome
Goes the home.
Public method Initialize
Initializes the specified setup.
Public method OnMouseWheelBack
Called when [mouse wheel back].
Public method OnMouseWheelForward
Called when [mouse wheel forward].
Protected method OnPropertyChanged
Called when [property changed].
Public method SelectRow(ListControlDataSourceRow, Int32)
Selects the row.
Protected method SetField<(Of <<'(T>)>>)
Sets the field.
Public method SetSelectedIndex
Sets the index of the selected.