RingSoft.DbLookup Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

PrinterSetupArgs Properties

The PrinterSetupArgs type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CodeAutoFillSetup
Gets or sets the code automatic fill setup.
Public property CodeAutoFillValue
Gets or sets the code automatic fill value.
Public property CodeDescription
Gets or sets the code description.
Public property ColumnMaps
Gets the column maps.
Public property CustomCriteriaSetup
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [custom criteria setup].
Public property DataProcessor
Gets or sets the data processor.
Public property LookupDefinition
Gets or sets the lookup definition.
Public property PrintingProcessingViewModel
Gets the printing processing view model.
Public property PrintingProperties
Gets or sets the printing properties.
Public property ProcessData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [process data].
Public property ReportFilters
Gets the report filters.
Public property TotalRecords
Gets or sets the total records.