RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

ExtensionMethods Members

The ExtensionMethods type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AppendExpression
Appends the expression.
Public method Static member ConvertDbDateTypeToDateFormatType
Converts the type of the database date type to date format.
Public method Static member ConvertDecimalFieldTypeToDecimalEditFormatType
Converts the type of the decimal field type to decimal edit format.
Public method Static member ConvertEnumerableToDataTable<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Converts the enumerable to data table.
Public method Static member ConvertFieldTypeIntoValueType
Converts the type of the field type into value.
Public method Static member ConvertPropertyNameToDescription
Converts the property name to description.
Public method Static member FillOutEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Fills the out entity.
Public method Static member FillOutProperties<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Fills the out properties.
Public method Static member GetAllIncludePropertiesFromNavProperties
Gets all include properties from nav properties.
Public method Static member GetAllNavigationProperties
Gets all navigation properties.
Public method Static member GetAutoFillValue(TableDefinitionBase, String)
Gets the automatic fill value.
Public method Static member GetAutoFillValue<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)(TEntity, LookupDefinitionBase)
Gets the automatic fill value.
Public method Static member GetEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)(AutoFillValue)
Gets the entity.
Public method Static member GetEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)(AutoFillValue, TableDefinition<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>))
Gets the entity.
Public method Static member GetFullPropertyName<(Of <<'(T, TProperty>)>>)
Gets the full name of the property. (u => u.UserId returns "UserId")
Public method Static member GetIncludePropertyFromNavProperty
Gets the include property from nav property.
Public method Static member GetNavigationProperties(IJoinParent)
Gets the navigation properties.
Public method Static member GetNavigationProperties(TableFieldJoinDefinition, Boolean)
Gets the navigation properties.
Public method Static member GetPropertyFilterValue
Gets the property filter value.
Public method Static member GetPropertyJoinName
Gets the name of the property join.
Public method Static member IsEqualTo<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Determines whether [is equal to] [the specified last].
Public method Static member IsValid(PrimaryKeyValue)
Returns true if Primary Key Value is valid.
Public method Static member IsValid(AutoFillValue)
Returns true if Auto Fill Value is valid.
Public method Static member ToDate
Converts to date.
Public method Static member ToFieldDataType
Converts to fielddatatype.
Public method Static member TrimRight
Trims the right of a string.
Public method Static member ValidateAutoFill
Validates the automatic fill.