RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

TableDefinitionBase Properties

The TableDefinitionBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CanAddToTable
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can add to table.
Public property CanEditTabe
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can edit tabe.
Public property CanViewTable
Gets a value indicating whether this instance can view table.
Public property ChildFields
Gets or sets the child fields.
Public property ChildKeys
Gets or sets the child keys.
Public property Context
Gets the context.
Public property Description
Gets the description.
Public property EntityName
Gets the name of the entity.
Public property FieldDefinitions
Gets the field definitions.
Public property FullEntityName
Gets the full name of the entity.
Public property HeaderTable
Gets the header table.
Public property IsAdvancedFind
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is advanced find.
Public property LookupDefinition
Gets the lookup definition. Used in mapping foreign key fields to controls.
Public property PrimaryKeyFields
Gets the primary key fields.
Public property PriorityLevel
Gets or sets the priority level.
Public property RecordDescription
Gets the record description.
Public property TableName
Gets the name of the table.
Public property TempTable
Gets a value indicating whether [temporary table].
Public property ValidateDelete
Gets a value indicating whether [validate delete].