RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

DbMaintenanceViewModelBase Properties

The DbMaintenanceViewModelBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CheckDirtyFlag
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [check dirty flag].
Public property DeleteButtonEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Delete button is enabled.
Public property DeleteCommand
Gets the delete command.
Public property DeleteUiCommand
Gets the delete UI command.
Protected property FindButtonInitialSearchFor
Gets the initial search for text when the Find button is clicked. By default it is the key auto fill text.
Public property FindButtonLookupDefinition
Gets or sets the find button lookup definition. By default it is the Lookup definition attached to the Table definition.
Public property FindCommand
Gets the find command.
Public property FindUiCommand
Gets the find UI command.
Public property Grids
Gets the grids.
Public property InputParameter
Gets or sets the input parameter.
Public property KeyAutoFillSetup
Gets the unique key control auto fill setup.
Public property KeyAutoFillUiCommand
Gets the key automatic fill UI command.
Public property KeyAutoFillValue
Gets or sets the unique key control auto fill value.
Public property KeyValueDirty
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the data in the user-editable unique key value control has been changed. Used when focus leaves the unique user-editable control. When that happens and this value is true, then the record matching that unique value is automatically loaded.
Public property LastSavedDate
Gets or sets the last saved date.
Public property LockDate
Gets or sets the lock date.
Public property LookupAddViewArgs
Gets the add-on-the fly arguments sent by the LookupControl or the LookupWindow.
Public property Lookups
Gets the lookups.
Public property MaintenanceButtonsUiCommand
Gets the maintenance buttons UI command.
Public property MaintenanceMode
Gets or sets the maintenance mode.
Public property NewButtonEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the New button is enabled.
Public property NewCommand
Creates new command.
Public property NewUiCommand
Creates new uicommand.
Public property NextCommand
Gets the next command.
Public property NextUiCommand
Gets the next UI command.
Public property PreviousCommand
Gets the previous command.
Public property PreviousUiCommand
Gets the previous UI command.
Public property PrimaryKeyControlsEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the primary key controls are enabled.
Public property PrintCommand
Gets the print command.
Public property PrintUiCommand
Gets the print UI command.
Public property Processor
Gets or sets the processor.
Public property ReadOnlyMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only mode].
Public property RecordDirty
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user has changed the data on this record and has yet to save.
Public property SaveButtonEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Save button is enabled.
Public property SaveCommand
Gets the save command.
Public property SaveUiCommand
Gets the save UI command.
Public property SelectButtonEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the Select button is enabled.
Public property SelectCommand
Gets the select command.
Public property SelectUiCommand
Gets the select UI command.
Public property StatusBarUiCommand
Gets the status bar UI command.
Public property TableDefinitionBase
Gets the table definition.
Public property UiControls
Gets the UI controls.
Protected property View
Gets the view.
Protected property ViewLookupDefinition
Gets the view lookup definition used to get the next and previous record.