RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

AdvancedFindFiltersManager Methods

The AdvancedFindFiltersManager type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddAdvancedFindFilterRow
Adds the advanced find filter row.
Public method AddNewFilterRow
Adds the new filter row.
Public method AddNewRow
Adds the new row.
Protected method CanInsertRow
Determines whether this instance [can insert row] the specified start index.
Protected method ClearRows
Clears the rows.
Protected method ConstructNewRowFromEntity
Constructs the new row from entity.
Protected method GetNewRow
Gets the new row.
Public method GetNewRowIndex
Gets the new index of the row.
Public method IsDeleteOk
Determines whether [is delete ok] [the specified row index].
Public method LoadFromLookupDefinition
Loads from lookup definition.
Public method LoadGrid
Loads the grid.
Public method LoadNewUserFilter
Loads the new user filter.
Protected method OnRowsChanged
Handles the [E:RowsChanged] event.
Public method RemoveRow
Removes the row.
Public method SetFocusToGrid
Sets the focus to grid.
Public method ValidateAdvancedFind()()()()
Validates the advanced find.
Public method ValidateParentheses
Validates the parentheses.