RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

LookupContext Members

The LookupContext type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method EfInitializeFieldDefinitions
Efs the initialize field definitions.
Protected method EfInitializePrimaryKeys
Efs the initialize primary keys.
Protected method EfInitializeTableDefinitions
Efs the initialize table definitions.
Public method GetAutoFillDataMaui<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the automatic fill data maui.
Public method GetIncludes
Gets the includes.
Public method GetLookupDataMaui<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the lookup data maui.
Public method GetQueryable<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the queryable.
Public method GetQueryableTable<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the queryable table.
Public method Initialize
Has the Entity Framework platform set up this object's table and field definitions based on DbContext's model setup. The first time this class is used, this method is run.


  Name Description
Protected property DbContext
Gets the Entity Framework Core database context used to set up the table and field definition properties of inheriting classes.