RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

LookupRefresher Members

The LookupRefresher type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method LookupRefresher
Initializes a new instance of the LookupRefresher class.


  Name Description
Public method Dispose
Disposes this instance.
Public method GetRecordCountMessage
Gets the record count message.
Public method LoadFromAdvFind
Loads from adv find.
Public method ResetTimer
Resets the timer.
Public method StartRefresh
Starts the refresh.
Public method UpdateRecordCount
Updates the record count.


  Name Description
Public property Disabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this LookupRefresher is disabled.
Public property RedAlert
Gets or sets the red alert.
Public property RefreshCondition
Gets or sets the refresh condition.
Public property RefreshRate
Gets or sets the refresh rate.
Public property RefreshValue
Gets or sets the refresh value.
Public property YellowAlert
Gets or sets the yellow alert.


  Name Description
Public event RefreshRecordCountEvent
Occurs when [refresh record count event].
Public event SetAlertLevelEvent
Occurs when [set alert level event].