RingSoft.DbLookup Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

DeleteRecordViewModel Properties

The DeleteRecordViewModel type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CancelCommand
Gets or sets the cancel command.
Public property DeleteAllData
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [delete all data].
Public property DeleteTables
Gets the delete tables.
Public property ItemProceessed
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [item proceessed].
Public property Items
Gets the items.
Public property LookupCommand
Gets or sets the lookup command.
Public property LookupDefinition
Gets or sets the lookup definition.
Public property OkCommand
Gets or sets the ok command.
Public property ProcessCaption
Gets or sets the process caption.
Public property SelectedDeleteTable
Gets or sets the selected delete table.
Public property TableDataSource
Gets or sets the table data source.
Public property TableSetup
Gets or sets the table setup.
Public property View
Gets the view.