RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

AdvancedFilterWindow Members

The AdvancedFilterWindow type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AdvancedFilterWindow()()()()
Initializes a new instance of the AdvancedFilterWindow class.


  Name Description
Public method Initialize(TreeViewItem, LookupDefinitionBase)
Initializes the specified tree view item.
Public method Initialize(AdvancedFilterReturn)
Initializes the specified input filter return.
Public method OnApplyTemplate
When overridden in a derived class, is invoked whenever application code or internal processes call ApplyTemplate.


  Name Description
Public property Border
Gets or sets the border.
Public property CancelButton
Gets or sets the cancel button.
Public property ConditionComboBox
Gets or sets the condition ComboBox.
Public property ConditionLabel
Gets or sets the condition label.
Public property DateFilterTypeComboBoxControl
Gets or sets the date filter type ComboBox control.
Public property DatePanel
Gets or sets the date panel.
Public property DateValueControl
Gets or sets the date value control.
Public property DisplayControl
Gets or sets the display control.
Public property DisplayLabel
Gets or sets the display label.
Public property FieldControl
Gets or sets the field control.
Public property FieldLabel
Gets or sets the field label.
Public property FilterReturn
Gets or sets the filter return.
Public property FormulaValueTypeComboBox
Gets or sets the formula value type ComboBox.
Public property FormulaValueTypeLabel
Gets or sets the formula value type label.
Public property InputFilterReturn
Gets or sets the input filter return.
Public property LookupDefinition
Gets or sets the lookup definition.
Public property MemoEditor
Gets or sets the memo editor.
Public property OKButton
Gets or sets the ok button.
Public property SearchForAutoFillControl
Gets or sets the search for automatic fill control.
Public property SearchForBoolComboBoxControl
Gets or sets the search for bool ComboBox control.
Public property SearchForDateControl
Gets or sets the search for date control.
Public property SearchForDecimalControl
Gets or sets the search for decimal control.
Public property SearchForIntegerControl
Gets or sets the search for integer control.
Public property SearchForLabel
Gets or sets the search for label.
Public property SearchForStringControl
Gets or sets the search for string control.
Public property TreeViewItem
Gets or sets the TreeView item.
Public property ViewModel
Gets or sets the view model.