RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

DbMaintenanceViewModel<(Of <(<'TEntity>)>)> Properties

The DbMaintenanceViewModel<(Of <(<'TEntity>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected property ChangingEntity
Gets a value indicating whether the base entity is loading from the database or is being cleared.
Protected property ConfirmDeleteCaption
Gets the confirm delete caption. Override this for localization.
Public property Entity
Gets the entity.
Protected property FindButtonInitialSearchFor
Gets the initial search for text when the Find button is clicked. By default it is the key auto fill text.
Public property PageSize
Gets the number of rows on a page.
Public property RecordsChanged
Gets a value indicating whether this process has changed the data source.
Protected property RenameKeyAutoFillValueCaption
Gets the rename key auto fill value message caption. Override this for localization.
Protected property SaveChangesMessage
Gets the save changes message. Override this for localization.
Public property SearchText
Gets or sets the search text.
Public property SearchType
Gets the type of the search.
Public property SelectedIndex
Gets the index of the selected.
Public property TableDefinition
Gets the table definition.
Public property TableDefinitionBase
Gets the table definition.
Protected property TablesToDelete
Gets the tables to delete.
Public property ValidateAllAtOnce
Gets a value indicating whether [validate all at once].