RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

FieldFilterDefinition Properties

The FieldFilterDefinition type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property BaseLookup
Gets the base lookup.
Public property CaseSensitive
Gets a value indicating whether [case sensitive].
Public property CastEnumValueAsInt
Gets a value indicating whether to cast enum value as int.
Public property Condition
Gets the condition.
Public property FieldDefinition
Gets the field definition.
Public property FieldToSearch
Gets the field to search.
Public property FormulaToSearch
Gets the formula to search.
Public property IsPrimaryKey
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is primary key.
Public property NavigationProperties
Gets the navigation properties.
Public property ParentField
Gets or sets the parent field.
Public property PropertyName
Gets the name of the property.
Public property SetPropertyName
Gets or sets the name of the set property.
Public property TreeViewType
Gets the type of the TreeView.
Public property Type
Gets the type.