RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

MySqlSelectSqlGenerator Members

The MySqlSelectSqlGenerator type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method FormatOrderByTableFieldSql
Formats the order by fragment. Used by derived classes to add case sensitivity and other SQL text to the order by Table.Field parameter.
Protected method FormatValueForSqlWhereItem
Formats a value for a SQL WHERE clause. Override if this method is not compatible with your database platform.
Protected method GenerateSelectQueryStatement
Generates the SELECT SQL statement.
Protected method GenerateTopRecordCountSqlText
Generates the top record count SQL text. Override if this method is not compatible with your database platform.
Protected method GenerateWhereItemSqlFieldNameText
Generates the where item SQL field name text for the inputted WhereItem object. Override if this method is not compatible with your database platform.


  Name Description
Public property SqlObjectPrefixChar
Gets the SQL object prefix character.
Public property SqlObjectSuffixChar
Gets the SQL object suffix character.