RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

DataRepositoryRegistry Members

The DataRepositoryRegistry type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DataRepositoryRegistry
Initializes a new instance of the DataRepositoryRegistry class.


  Name Description
Public method AddEntity
Adds the entity.
Public method AddNewNoCommitEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Adds the new no commit entity.
Public method AddRange<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Adds the range.
Public method AddSaveEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Adds the save entity.
Public method CloseConnection
Closes the connection.
Public method Commit
Commits the specified message.
Public method DeleteEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Deletes the entity.
Public method DeleteNoCommitEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Deletes the no commit entity.
Public method ExecuteSql
Executes the SQL.
Public method GetEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the entity.
Public method GetList<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the list.
Public method GetListOfDatabases
Gets the list of databases.
Public method GetLookupDataBase<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the lookup data base.
Public method GetTable(String)
Gets the table.
Public method GetTable<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)()()()()
Gets the table.
Public method OpenConnection
Opens the connection.
Public method RemoveRange<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Removes the range.
Public method SaveEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Saves the entity.
Public method SaveNoCommitEntity<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Saves the no commit entity.
Public method SetConnectionString
Sets the connection string.
Public method SetIdentityInsert
Sets the identity insert.
Public method SetProcessor
Sets the processor.


  Name Description
Public property DbContext
Gets the database context.
Public property Entities
Gets the entities.