RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

WhereItem Members

The WhereItem type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method IsCaseSensitive
Sets if the search is case sensitive.
Public method SetEndLogic
Sets the end logic.
Public method SetLeftParenthesesCount
Sets the left parentheses count.
Public method SetRightParenthesesCount
Sets the right parentheses count.
Public method ToString
Returns a String that represents this instance.
Public method UpdateCondition
Updates the condition.


  Name Description
Public property CaseSensitive
Gets a value indicating whether the search is case sensitive.
Public property CheckDescriptionForNull
Gets a value indicating whether [check description for null].
Public property Condition
Gets the condition.
Public property DateType
Gets the type of the date. (For DateTime value types.)
Public property EndLogic
Gets the end logic.
Public property FieldName
Gets the name of the field.
Public property LeftParenthesesCount
Gets the left parentheses count.
Public property RightParenthesesCount
Gets the right parentheses count.
Public property Table
Gets the table object this Where Item is attached to.
Public property Value
Gets the value.
Public property ValueType
Gets the type of the value.
Public property WhereItemType
Gets the type of the where item.