RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

AdvancedFindFilter Members

The AdvancedFindFilter type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AdvancedFind
Gets or sets the advanced find.
Public property AdvancedFindId
Gets or sets the advanced find identifier.
Public property CustomDate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [custom date].
Public property DateFilterType
Gets or sets the type of the date filter.
Public property EndLogic
Gets or sets the end logic.
Public property FieldName
Gets or sets the name of the field.
Public property FilterId
Gets or sets the filter identifier.
Public property Formula
Gets or sets the formula.
Public property FormulaDataType
Gets or sets the type of the formula data.
Public property FormulaDisplayValue
Gets or sets the formula display value.
Public property LeftParentheses
Gets or sets the left parentheses.
Public property Operand
Gets or sets the operand.
Public property Path
Gets or sets the path.
Public property PrimaryFieldName
Gets or sets the name of the primary field.
Public property PrimaryTableName
Gets or sets the name of the primary table.
Public property RightParentheses
Gets or sets the right parentheses.
Public property SearchForAdvancedFind
Gets or sets the search for advanced find.
Public property SearchForAdvancedFindId
Gets or sets the search for advanced find identifier.
Public property SearchForValue
Gets or sets the search for value.
Public property TableName
Gets or sets the name of the table.