RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

TestDbMaintenanceProcessor Methods

The TestDbMaintenanceProcessor type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Activate
Activates this instance.
Public method CheckDeleteTables
Checks the delete tables.
Public method CloseWindow
Closes the window.
Public method GetAutoFills
Gets the automatic fills.
Public method HandleAutoFillValFail
Handles the automatic fill value fail.
Public method InitializeFromLookupData
Initializes from lookup data.
Public method IsMaintenanceKeyDown
Determines whether [is maintenance key down] [the specified key].
Public method OnReadOnlyModeSet
Called when [read only mode set].
Public method OnRecordSelected
Called when [record selected].
Public method OnValidationFail
Called when [validation fail].
Public method PrintOutput
Prints the output.
Public method SetSaveStatus
Sets the save status.
Public method SetWindowReadOnlyMode
Sets the window read only mode.
Public method ShowFindLookupWindow
Shows the find lookup window.
Public method ShowRecordLockWindow
Shows the record lock window.
Public method ShowRecordSavedMessage
Shows the record saved message.
Public method ShowYesNoCancelMessage
Shows the yes no cancel message.
Public method ShowYesNoMessage
Shows the yes no message.