RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Lookup Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

LookupDataMaui<(Of <(<'TEntity>)>)> Methods

The LookupDataMaui<(Of <(<'TEntity>)>)> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddNewRow
Adds the new row.
Public method ClearData
Clears the data.
Public method DoPrintOutput
Does the print output.
Public method GetDatabaseRowValue
Gets the database row value.
Public method GetEntityForPrimaryKey
Gets the entity for primary key.
Public method GetFormattedRowValue
Gets the formatted row value.
Public method GetInitData
Gets the initialize data.
Public method GetOutputArgs
Gets the output arguments.
Public method GetPrimaryKeyValueForSearchText
Gets the primary key value for search text.
Public method GetPrinterHeaderRow
Gets the printer header row.
Public method GetRecordCount
Gets the record count.
Public method GetSelectedPrimaryKeyValue
Gets the selected primary key value.
Public method GetSelectedText
Gets the selected text.
Public method GotoBottom
Gotoes the bottom.
Public method GotoNextPage
Gotoes the next page.
Public method GotoNextRecord
Gotoes the next record.
Public method GotoPreviousPage
Gotoes the previous page.
Public method GotoPreviousRecord
Gotoes the previous record.
Public method GotoTop
Gotoes the top.
Public method IsThereData
Determines whether [is there data].
Public method OnColumnClick
Called when [column click].
Public method OnMouseWheelBack
Called when [mouse wheel back].
Public method OnMouseWheelForward
Called when [mouse wheel forward].
Public method OnSearchForChange
Called when [search for change].
Public method OnSizeChanged
Called when [size changed].
Public method RefreshData
Refreshes the data.
Public method SelectPrimaryKey
Selects the primary key.
Public method SetNewPrimaryKeyValue
Sets the new primary key value.
Public method ViewSelectedRow
Views the selected row.