RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

LookupControl Properties

The LookupControl type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AddViewParameter
Gets the add view parameter.
Public property AdvancedFindButton
Gets or sets the advanced find button.
Public property AllowOnEnter
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [allow on enter].
Public property Command
Gets or sets the LookupCommand which is used by view models to tell this control to either refresh, clear etc.
Public property ContainsRadioButton
Gets or sets the contains RadioButton.
Public property DataSourceChanged
Gets or sets the data source changed.
Public property DesignText
Gets or sets the design text.
Public property EqualsRadioButton
Gets or sets the equals RadioButton.
Public property ForceRefreshOnActivate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [force refresh on activate].
Public property GetRecordCountButton
Gets or sets the get record count button.
Public property HideUserDoubleClickRowMessage
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [hide user double click row message].
Public property ListTextBox
Gets or sets the list text box.
Public property ListView
Gets or sets the ListView.
Public property LookupColumns
Gets a list of LookupColumns which allow adding new columns.
Public property LookupDataMaui
Gets the lookup data maui.
Public property LookupDefinition
Gets or sets the lookup definition.
Public property LookupGridView
Gets or sets the lookup grid view.
Public property LookupWindow
Gets the lookup window.
Public property LookupWindowReadOnlyMode
Gets a value indicating whether [lookup window read only mode].
Public property PageSize
Gets the number of rows on a page.
Public property RecordCountControl
Gets or sets the record count control.
Public property RecordCountStackPanel
Gets or sets the record count stack panel.
Public property RecordCountWait
Gets or sets the record count wait.
Public property ScrollBar
Gets or sets the scroll bar.
Public property SearchForHost
Gets or sets the search for host.
Public property SearchForLabel
Gets or sets the search for label.
Public property SearchForStackPanel
Gets or sets the search for stack panel.
Public property SearchText
Gets or sets the search text.
Public property SearchType
Gets the type of the search.
Public property SelectedIndex
Gets the index of the selected.
Public property ShowAdvancedFindButton
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show advanced find button].
Public property ShowRecordCountProps
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show record count props].
Public property ShowRecordCountWait
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show record count wait].
Public property Spinner
Gets or sets the spinner.