RingSoft.DbLookup Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

LookupContextBase Methods

The LookupContextBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method CanAddToTable
Determines whether this instance [can add to table] the specified table definition.
Public method CanDeleteTable
Determines whether this instance [can delete table] the specified table definition.
Public method CanEditTable
Determines whether this instance [can edit table] the specified table definition.
Public method CanViewTable
Determines whether this instance [can view table] the specified table definition.
Public method CopyData
Copies the data.
Protected method EfInitializeFieldDefinitions
Efs the initialize field definitions.
Protected method EfInitializePrimaryKeys
Efs the initialize primary keys.
Protected method EfInitializeTableDefinitions
Efs the initialize table definitions.
Public method FormatValueForSearchHost
Formats the value for search host.
Public method GetAutoFillDataMaui<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the automatic fill data maui.
Public method GetLookupDataMaui<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the lookup data maui.
Public method GetQueryable<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the queryable.
Public method GetQueryableTable<(Of <<'(TEntity>)>>)
Gets the queryable table.
Public method GetUserAutoFill
Gets the user automatic fill.
Public method Initialize
Has the Entity Framework platform set up this object's table and field properties based on DbContext's model setup. Derived classes constructor must execute this method.
Protected method InitializeAdvFind
Initializes the adv find.
Protected method InitializeLookupDefinitions
Called by Initialize for inheriting classes to create lookup definitions and attach them to table definitions.
Public method OnAddViewLookup
Occurs when a user wishes to view a selected lookup primary key value. Fires the LookupAddView event.
Public method OnAutoFillTextRequest
Called when [automatic fill text request].
Protected method SetupModel
Inheritor classes use this to set table and field definition properties not automatically set up by the Entity Framework platform.
Public method ValidateFieldFailMessage
Gets the validates the field fail message. Override this for localization.