RingSoft.DbLookup Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

LookupContextBase Properties

The LookupContextBase type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AdvancedFindColumnLookup
Gets or sets the advanced find column lookup.
Public property AdvancedFindColumns
Gets or sets the advanced find columns.
Public property AdvancedFindFilterLookup
Gets or sets the advanced find filter lookup.
Public property AdvancedFindFilters
Gets or sets the advanced find filters.
Public property AdvancedFindLookup
Gets or sets the advanced find lookup.
Public property AdvancedFinds
Gets or sets the advanced finds.
Public property Context
Gets the context.
Public property DataProcessor
Gets the data processor used to process all queries and SQL statements.
Public property FormulaRegistry
Gets the formula registry.
Public property Initialized
Gets a value indicating whether this class has been initialized by the Entity Framework platform.
Public property RecordLockingLookup
Gets or sets the record locking lookup.
Public property RecordLocks
Gets or sets the record locks.
Public property TableDefinitions
Gets the table definitions.
Public property ValidateFieldFailCaption
Gets the validate field fail caption. Override this for localization.