RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

AutoFillControl Fields

The AutoFillControl type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public field Static member CharacterCasingProperty
The character casing property
Public field Static member ContainsBoxMaxRowsProperty
The contains box maximum rows property
Public field Static member DesignTextProperty
The design text property
Public field Static member IsDirtyProperty
The is dirty property
Public field Static member RsIsTabStopProperty
The rs is tab stop property
Public field Static member SelectionBrushProperty
The selection brush property
Public field Static member SetupProperty
The setup property
Public field Static member ShowContainsBoxProperty
The show contains box property
Public field Static member TabOutAfterLookupSelectProperty
The tab out after lookup select property
Public field Static member TextAlignmentProperty
The text alignment property
Public field Static member UiCommandProperty
The UI command property
Public field Static member UiLabelProperty
The UI label property
Public field Static member ValueProperty
The value property