RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF Namespace
RingSoft.DbLookup.Controls.WPF.Properties Namespace
RingSoft.DbMaintenance Namespace

AutoFillControl Properties

The AutoFillControl type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AllowAdvancedFind
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [allow advanced find].
Public property AutoFillDataMaui
Gets the automatic fill data maui.
Public property Button
Gets or sets the button.
Public property CharacterCasing
Gets or sets the character casing.
Public property ContainsBoxIsOpen
Gets a value indicating whether [contains box is open].
Public property ContainsBoxMaxRows
Gets or sets the contains box maximum number of rows.
Public property ContainsItems
Gets the contains items.
Public property DesignText
Gets or sets the design text.
Public property EditText
Gets or sets the edit text.
Public property IsDirty
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control's value has changed.
Public property ListBox
Gets or sets the ListBox.
Public property Popup
Gets or sets the popup.
Public property ReadOnlyMode
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only mode].
Public property RsIsTabStop
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [rs is tab stop].
Public property SelectionBrush
Gets or sets the selection brush.
Public property SelectionLength
Gets or sets the length of the selection.
Public property SelectionStart
Gets or sets the selection start.
Public property Setup
Gets or sets the AutoFillSetup to determine how this control will behave.
Public property ShowContainsBox
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to show the contains box.
Public property TabOutAfterLookupSelect
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically tab out after the user selects a record in the LookupWindow.
Public property TextAlignment
Gets or sets the text alignment.
Public property TextBox
Gets or sets the text box.
Public property UiCommand
Gets or sets the UI command.
Public property UiLabel
Gets or sets the UI label.
Public property Value
Gets or sets the AutoFillValue.